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Reflection: All the world repeat the song

the earth from space

The Methodist church’s ‘ Hush the noise ’ resource for Advent and Christmas encourages us to look beyond the distractions to find God, using words from the carol ‘It came upon the midnight clear.’ Our reflections pick up on some of the themes from the carol.

All the world repeat the song

‘It came upon the midnight clear’ uses the angels’ song as a way of reminding us of God’s continuing message of ‘good news’ to all the world. We repeat the song and reflect it back to God and to others when we worship God, not just through hymns and sung worship, but through using our time, our gifts and skills to the glory of God. That might include serving others, campaigning for peace and justice, donating to a foodbank, or helping at a project working with those who are homeless or refugees. It might mean finding ways to protect the world God has placed us in. How do you worship God in your daily life? Would other people recognise that what you are doing is part of your faith?

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