Safeguarding children and adults who are vulnerable is an important part of making our churches welcoming and safe spaces for everyone who comes in. On this page you can view our Circuit Safeguarding Policy and other information.
Foundation Training dates are available from the Circuit Office or via
Advanced Training dates are available on the District website.
If you have a concern you can find information on what to do at the Methodist safeguarding pages.
( Report a concern ).
Methodist Church Connexional Safeguarding Team
020 7467 5189
York Council Children's Services 01904 551900
(out of hours: 01609 780780)
North Yorkshire Council Child Protection: 01609 780780
East Riding Council
Children: 01482 395500 (Out of hours 01482 393939)
Vulnerable Adults: 01482 396940 (Out of hours: 01377 241273)
Police: Dial 101 if you believe a crime has been committed or 999 in an emergency
Emergency and other advice: ThirtyOne:Eight (formerly CCPAS: The Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service)
0303 003 11 11
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF