From this page (under the picture) you can download a document with resources and information to help with planning an Own Arrangement service.
We are hoping to add to this list- if you have resources that you think others would find helpful, please contact the Circuit Office to let us know.
A few ideas to get you started:
The Methodist Church website has a resources page with suggestions and a number of service outlines to download:
Another section of the website has hymn suggestions for every Sunday, including new hymns, all related to the lectionary readings:
Music copies of Singing the Faith have a variety of indexes to assist with hymn selection, including an Index of Biblical texts, and a Liturgical Index.
The Methodist Worship Book is a useful resource- the Orders of Service for Morning, Afternoon or Evening services can be used to provide a framework for your service. The Guidance for Ordering a service (page 51) gives some guidance for structuring a service and resource material for different seasons is available from page 52 onwards.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF