Welcome to our ONE X page.
ONE X is our circuit youth group and is open to any young person aged 10 -16yrs, (school years 6-11), in the York Circuit. We meet twice roughly twice a month, during term time on Fridays, 5-7pm at the York Circuit Hub. Other events and activities are offered on an ad-hoc basis.
Dates for the rest of the 2022/23 school year are:
24th February – ONE X
3rd March – ONE X
11th March – Celebration of female ministry Moe information here – insert link
24th March – ONE X
14th – 16th April – Flourish district weekend. The circuit will contribute half of the cost for each young person attending this event. for more information add link
28th April – ONE X
12th May – ONE X
20th May – Synod at the Manor School York, more information to follow
9th June – ONE X
23rd June – ONE X
7th July – ONE X
21st July – ONE X
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF