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Digital Resources

A curated list of useful digital resources, training and information.

Resource Guides

The Yorkshire North and East District Digital Communications enabler Elliot Crippen has provided an comprehensive set of Methodist focused resources and information. This covers areas such as online worship, livestreaming, copyright, filming videos, social media and website advice and lots of useful links:
District Digital Resources

The York circuit is making use of a section of the District resource library to store worship material such as videos for reuse (Please note: Registration required)
District Resource Library

The URC has a useful set of information guides including areas such as social media, livestreaming and using Zoom.
The Church of England has created a ' One Stop Shop ' for resources for the post Covid online and onsite environments.

Training and Support

The circuit held 4 webinars in 2022 on Social Media, Copyright, Website design and Creative content – please contact circuit office for recordings.
Recorded webinars from the Yorkshire Plus regional learning network, Yorkshire Districts and some other sources can be found here.

Church of England Digital Labs provides regular free webinars, newsletter and other resources. St.Peters College, Durham also provides digital resources, training and advice (from CoE perspective)

Guides – Elizabeth Harper from the Diocese of Bath and Wells has produced two excellent Zoom guides (Basic and Advanced). Promoting your church – a guide from North Bedfordshire circuit with practical tips on websites, Facebook and e-newsletters. Made available here with permission.


Premier Digital (free signup) have a monthly webinar and useful videos discussing contemporary issues around digital church.

Free downloads of e-books and writings from one of the leading contemporary digital theologians Dr Heidi Campbell

Hymns for Online Worship

Several organisations or artists have given permission for their versions of hymns and worship songs to be used in online worship during the coronavirus pandemic. This information is often given on the website or 'About' tab of YouTube channel. Some are free, and some may charge a small fee. You should include any copyright information or credits alongside the video or recordings. You may require a CCLI or similar licence to use the material and streaming add-on for online. Two good explanations of copyright:

Copyright FAQs (Yorkshire NE District) and Licensing explained (Resound worship)

Especially good for Singing the Faith type hymns and stated as available to use in worship:


If there are other useful sources you have found, please let the circuit office know.

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01904 499661

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Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF

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