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kairos movement

Kairos Movement is a regional movement, based on the Methodist Yorkshire and North East Region of the UK, but with an online gathered presence that reaches much further.

Formed in 2021 by Liane Kensett (Hull) and Andy Lindley (York), both had been encouraging others to pursue their call to new forms of mission and engagement with our wider community. It eventually became clear, that lots of people share this heart, but many felt alone, or restricted in their context. A vision was formed, for connecting people across a wider region and encouraging a greater diversity of spiritual exploration, nurturing but also ministry, service and activism. Although chafing at the bonds of Methodism, we also felt we were re-discovering its roots, and there was life there. The result was a new vision, for a new movement, within Methodism.

A new network of missional communities with the support of a simple trustee body, offering a connection to Methodism, and the accountability and processes of a church and circuit, but with the freedom to shape and evolve based on those who journey with us. You can find out more about the movement and how to get involved on the Kairos Movement website.

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Registered Charity No. 1134381

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01904 499661

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Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF

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