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Reflection: "Enabling a flourishing environment: right relationship between people, planet and God."

a tree in a glass bubble

The reflections this quarter look at the 5 priorities of the ‘Justice Seeking Church’ report. You can find out more at www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/social-justice/a-justice-seeking-church/

We have all seen the damage done to our environment, whether that’s sewage in our rivers or the extinction of animals due to habitat loss.

Many churches are already looking to improve their impact on the environment through Eco Church, through working towards Net Zero and encouraging church members to consider the environment in their daily life and decision-making.

We can see some ways churches and individuals are engaging with this in this newsletter. Can you use any of these suggestions to improve your personal impact on the environment, or join with others to make sure this is a priority for policymakers?

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