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Reflection Genesis: The Garden


Our reflections follow the Bible Month 2024 book of Genesis. In particular we're going to look at some of the places the stories take place and what we might learn from these.

The Garden

"They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze."
Genesis 3 v8

I love the idea of God coming to the garden in the evening to meet with Adam and Eve. It's a picture of intimacy between human and divine that might seem hard to imagine.

The Garden of Eden represents that place where God was close to humanity, before our going our own way had come between us and God. Our mistakes and selfishness have damaged our relationship not just with God but with all of creation. God's presence doesn't feel so close. And yet- God hasn't given up on us. Maybe, sometimes, in gardens or churches, streets or hillsides, we can sense God walking with us. What would you like to say if you were walking with God in the cool of the evening?

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