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Reflection: O hush the noise


The Methodist church's ' Hush the noise ' resource for Advent and Christmas encourages us to look beyond the distractions to find God, using words from the carol 'It came upon the midnight clear.' Our reflections pick up on some of the themes from the carol.

O hush the noise

How do we make space for God once Christmas is over? When the festivities are packed away and we return to the reality of normal life, it might feel like God is further away, less 'real' to our everyday lives. How do we keep listening for the song of the angels- how do we keep reminding ourselves of God's presence in our world? The Methodist Covenant is a prayer of dedication, of choosing to commit ourselves to seeking God in our everyday lives. Do you find it helpful in reminding you to take time to listen for God amidst the noise of everyday life?

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