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Reflection: Peace on the earth

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The Methodist church's ' Hush the noise ' resource for Advent and Christmas encourages us to look beyond the distractions to find God, using words from the carol 'It came upon the midnight clear.' Our reflections pick up on some of the themes from the carol.

Peace on the earth

'It came upon the midnight clear' is a carol which recognises that our world has problems. Whether war and political strife or just the weariness of daily existence, this is a carol for those who struggle and strive. It can be hard to see hope for many of the situations we see around us in the world- poverty, injustice, conflict- but the carol reminds us that there is still hope- because the song of the angels is still going on. How can we remember to look to God's presence for hope in the hard times and seemingly unsolvable situations? How can we show that hope to others, while acknowledging the pain?

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