The Methodist church's ' Hush the noise ' resource for Advent and Christmas encourages us to look beyond the distractions to find God, using words from the carol 'It came upon the midnight clear.' Our reflections pick up on some of the themes from the carol.
That glorious song of old
The carol 'It came upon the midnight clear' focuses on the song of the angels and their message to the world- the message that God loves the world and all the people in it, so much so that Jesus came to earth as a baby to be with us. We sometimes talk about this as the 'gospel', meaning 'good news.' But do we sometimes make it sound not so much like good news as bad news, as obligations rather than freedom, fear rather than love, discordant noise rather than a song of joy? How can we make sure our Christmas story this year really does reflect the angels' song of good news, because Jesus is with us?
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York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF