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Rory Dalgliesh

I was born in South Africa, and grew up there. I studied engineering, and then partway through that degree moved into youth ministry on my way to being ordained, through the end of apartheid and into the beginnings of a democratic South Africa.

I attended Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings in the mid 90's, and arranged and took part in local initiatives designed to bring encounter, healing and a shared future to all. Social justice, storytelling, giving practical help and encountering difference are essential to our growth as people, and especially as followers of Jesus.

In 2002 I came to the UK, intending to return at the end of that year, but here I am still, and York has been home for a long time. I currently live in Haxby, and we will be here until 2026 at least. Previously I worked at the University of York on the chaplaincy team for 11 years.Rebecca and I have Lukas, and I have two older children from a previous marriage also living nearby.

I have 3 bicycles (used to be 5!) and I also enjoy running and almost all forms of exercise, and mountaineering when the chance arises. I like tinkering with things, fixing things and building things. Some of the extensive Lego collection in our home is exclusively mine. I have lots of ideas, and I'm grateful to have good people around me who are good at helping them become real as we work together. My life is enormously privileged, and I am grateful every day for it.

Rory has pastoral charge of:
Haxby & Wigginton Methodist Church
Holgate Methodist Church

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