Having worked as a youth minister in the US and England, for different denominations, as well as being a consultant for Ministry Architects, Victoria can claim an unusually long and varied pedigree in youth ministry. Alternatively, you could say she is old and can't get a proper job! She believes we are all called and gifted by God, no matter what our age and so her passion is ministry by children and youth as well as for children and youth. Her time in the York Circuit is spent working with the children's and youth team in the ONE X programme, mentoring other leaders and doing the boring stuff like strategy, budgets and risk assessments. She is also a local preacher in the circuit.
Victoria says: "I feel called to youth ministry, so it is very exciting to see how committed York Methodist circuit are to their children and young people. I have experienced a wide variety of approaches, perspectives and roles within children's and youth ministry. This experience allows me to approach the work with creativity, flexibility and deep appreciation for the importance of remembering that the centre of any Christian ministry is not humanity but God."
Victoria works for both the York Circuit as Youth Ministry Leader, and the Yorkshire North and East District as Children's and Youth Ministry Leader.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF