Acomb is a relaxed church that offers a variety of service styles, from all-age or intergenerational worship, to café style conversational service, online bible studies, as well as more traditional service styles, with a mix of contemporary and more traditional hymnody. Alongside the worship, we offer groups for young people, and sometimes an online bible study in parallel. Occasionally we welcome guests speakers on Zoom, or stream services from another church. We often stream our services live into our sister churches.
We use multimedia in most services, and projection to enable us to draw on video and contemporary music, images and ideas.
We like a little banter and conversation, and welcome participation and have a growing number of people share in leading worship.
We tend to be pretty casual in our dress, and our gatherings, and like to share a cuppa after the service, usually lingering for quite a time to chat!
The church is equipped with hearing loops in the church, and its two largest meeting rooms.
We project most of our services, so do not tend to use hymnsbooks or handouts. If used, these can be enlarged on request.
All areas of the church are wheelchair accessible.
British Sign Language may be possible, for special services, on request.
The church is equipped for live zoom and youtube livestreaming, and these can be made available with subtitling after the fact.
The church offers a pattern of worship, that includes intergenerational worship, Godly play, young church groups and family social activities, including Board Game afternoons.
The church hosts a large number of community groups and organisations, for all ages, from breast feeding mums and baby signing and music groups, through Orchestras and Pol Choirs, to an Age UK day centre.
The church runs its own parent and toddler group, a Friday community café, community cinema, community quiet and retreat garden, prayer groups, study groups and social groups.
We partner with the Kairos movement to offer Quiet days and Spiritual direction.
There is parking on the church carpark for around a dozen cars, including one accessible space. There is parking in the GP and Solicitors car park on a Sunday, as well as on street parking, and the large Morrisons car park 5 minutes walk from the church.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF