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York Methodist

With God's help we aim to form a worshipping, witnessing, caring community in which all may be supported as they grow in faith. A community where all may use their individual talents to bring about God's kingdom locally and in the wider world.

Our Sunday worship service is at 10.30am where all are welcome. The second Sunday of the month is All Age Worship and on the other Sundays activities for children are available, we also have small cloth bags containing books and toys for younger children. We have Messy Church (details on church website). Fair trade coffee and tea are served following the morning service giving an opportunity to 'chat' together.

On the 4th Sunday of the month we hold an evening zoom service from 8pm-830pm. There is also a zoom weekly Tuesday prayer time from 9.30-10am.
The church is equipped with a hearing loop system and power point so that services can be projected onto the screen.
There is parking on a Sunday in the street outside Church with limited parking during the week.

The church music group meet on Thursday evenings 6.30 -7.30pm where all are welcome.

Our Church hosts a number of community groups which includes a Saturday Coffee 'drop in' from 10 – 11.30am, 2 Community choirs, Brownies.

For further details of up and coming events please take a look at our church website.

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Registered Charity No. 1134381

Get In Touch

01904 499661

York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF

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© 2025 – York Methodist Circuit