Worship times 10.30am each Sunday with Messy Church every 3rd Saturday 4-6pm.
Regular activities
Preschool Monday to Friday 9.00am – 2.00pm :
Beavers Monday 5.00pm and Wednesday 5.30pm :
Cubs Monday 6.30pm and Friday 5.45pm :
Scouts Friday 7.30pm :
Rainbows Tuesday 5.15pm :
Brownies Tuesday 6.30pm and Thursday 6.00pm :
Guides Wednesday 7.00pm :
Rangers Thursday 7.30pm :
Explorers Thursday 8.00pm :
Prayer and Care Thursday 10.00am :
Tuesday Fellowship 2.30pm :
Choir Monday 7.30pm.
Some history
The Sunday School has, from the beginning, played an important part. Originally conducted in a single room, the plans for several classrooms on two floors and a main hall were completed and the building formally opened on 14th September 1910. Extensive renovations were made in 1999.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF