This July we will be celebrating the ministry that Revd Keith Albans, Revd Ruth Duck and a number of others have given to the Circuit as they move on or step down from their current roles. We will also be noting the Circuit's annual reports (which you can download from this page) as we worship together. If you have questions about the content of the reports please do get in touch with the Circuit office or Revd Keith Albans before the event.
The Celebration service will be held on Sunday 11th July at 3pm, at Acomb Methodist Church.
The service will be livestreamed so anyone can join in via our Circuit YouTube channel, either from home or their own church. You can watch the stream at
More details are in the papers that you can download from this page.
We would love people to be able to join us in person at Acomb, although numbers will be limited and we wish to prioritise those who cannot access the livestream or who have a particular reason to be present. If you would like to be present in person please contact Amy Shephard (or get in touch via the Circuit office) to express your interest, and it will be confirmed if there is a space for you nearer the time. Booking is essential if you wish to be there in person.
We hope you will be able to join us for this event, either in person or via the livestream.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF