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Circuit Farewell Service

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goodbye service 2015

On Sunday 2nd August people from across the circuit gathered to say goodbye to two ministers as they move on to new circuits.

Clifton Methodist Church was full to bursting as more than 200 people came to thank God for the ministry of Revds David Godfrey and Francis Nabieu and to pray for them as they leave York. Before the service there was tea and cake and a chance to chat. Revd Richard Andrew preached and various people from the churches David and Francis have worked with contributed to the service by doing readings or leading prayers.

Former Circuit Steward Joan Oliver spoke about Revd Francis Nabieu, who has been in the York Circuit since 2010 when he transferred here after having been President of the Methodist Conference in Sierra Leone. He has worked with Clifton Moor, New Earswick and Melbourne Terrace churches. His knowledge of and enthusiasm for world church affairs were emphasised by several speakers who thanked him for his work in this area. Francis is now moving to the Croydon Circuit.

Sally Gall, outgoing Senior Circuit Steward, spoke about Revd David Godfrey, who has been in York for ten years. Until 2012 he was Superintendent of the York North Circuit, before the merger which formed the York Circuit, and Sally spoke of his patience and encouragement in that role. As minister for Clifton, Trinity and Huntington (and in the past Strensall and Thornton-le-Clay) he will be much missed, along with his family. David is to become the Superintendent of the Thirsk and Northallerton Circuit.

The Circuit wished both Francis and David well in their new posts.

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