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FaithWorks Celebration, 16th July 2017

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"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1v22.

On 16th July Christians from around the Circuit gathered at Central Methodist in York to wrap up our Bible Month studies on James.

Revd Calvin Samuel spoke to us on the theme of "Don't duck the challenge of James" and we were encouraged to put what we had been learning into action, and not to be like the ducks who heard a sermon about how God had created them to fly, enthusiastically agreed with the preacher...and then waddled home, feet firmly on the ground. To help us remember, everyone was given a gift bag to take away, including a rubber duck!

Everyone attending was given a booklet containing the day was given a booklet containing information about local and national mission organisations with a connection to the circuit, and encouraged to think about how they could raise to the challenge of living out our faith. Contact the circuit office if you'd like a copy!

Over tea and cake, served by ladies from Askham Grange Women's Prison, we were encouraged to pray for ourselves, the church and the world by visiting a number of prayer stations. After that we continued worshipping as we prayed for and thanked members of staff who are leaving the circuit this summer. Those who were moving within the circuit were also prayed for, and the day finished with all who were there being commissioned to follow God's call, whether that's to go or to stay where we are.

Rousing singing (and squeaking of rubber ducks!) reminded us of how encouraging it can be to gather together in large numbers. The day was a great rounding-off to our study of James and encouragement to remember that our faith should affect our whole lives- that we shouldn't 'duck' the challenges we face as Christians.

You can see more photos from the event on the Galleriespage.

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