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Heritage weekend, 4th-5th May 2019

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Over the weekend of 4th and 5th May there will be several events going on to celebrate the history of Methodism in the York area.

Saturday 4 May
From 2.00 pm -Tea and coffee will be served at Trinity Methodist Church

2.45 pm – An illustrated talk by the Rev Dr Stephen Hatcher with discussion to follow
'William Clowes – a Burning and Shining Light'
A bi-centenary celebration of William Clowes' mission to Yorkshire in 1819, and of his entry to York on Monday 24 May 1819.
Drinks and cake will be served when the more formal part of the afternoon concludes – allowing plenty of opportunity for discussion.

Sunday 5 May 9.45 am
Morning worship at Trinity Methodist Church led by Rev Dr Stephen Hatcher with the theme
'The Gospel Notes of William Clowes'
Is it possible in contemporary worship today to sound the 'Gospel Notes' sounded 200 years ago?

On Sunday 5th May there will be a Circuit gathering and service at Stillingfleet to celebrate 250 years of Methodism in the village.

1.30pm Chapel will be open for viewing the displays, e.g. hymn books, bibles, circuit magazines, plans and much much more from over the years.
3.00pm Thanksgiving service in St. Helens Church (wheelchair accessible) speaker Rev Leslie Newton who is the Chair of the Yorkshire North and East Methodist District.
4.30pm A Stillingfleet Celebration Tea will be held for everyone in the village hall. (The village hall is located opposite the church)
The chapel will remain open until 7.30pm.

Methodism was introduced to Stillingfleet in 1769 when a small class was formed. Services where conducted by local preachers who would hold meeting in any house open to them. If no invitation was forthcoming the village green would be used as a point of assembly. 50 years later a site was donated and the chapel was built at the cost of £140 with an extra £1 for fittings, opening in 1819. Today after many highs and lows the congregation still worship in the same little chapel – the oldest chapel used in the York Circuit, now 200 years old.

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