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Walk the Talk York podcast launch

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walk the talk

We're excited to announce our brand new podcast 'Walk The Talk York' is now live! Our host, Rory Dalgliesh, will be talking to local people about local projects, discussing how faith plays a part and letting you know how you can get involved, support or help in a practical way.

Our very first episode OUTREACH is a conversation with Jenny Herrera, Executive Director at Acts 435 – a York-based nationwide charity that is about reaching out to people in poverty. Thinking about how people of faith and people who want to express goodness and kindness, can actually get involved and do something. People wanting to make a difference in the world. Listen on Apple podcasts or here and find out how you can make a difference to someones life by the simple act of giving.

A new episode will be along each fortnight.

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Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF

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