What's going on at Cornerstone?
A year ago, a group of people from around the circuit was formed with a vision to work in the Tang Hall area around what was St George's Methodist Church. It was hoped this would be an opportunity to serve the people of this part of the city and grow new opportunities for ministry and mission, and explore new ways of being church. We decided to rename the building and church Cornerstone Methodist church to reflect that we want to become an important part of the local community, as well as pointing people to Jesus, our cornerstone.
So far we have:
-Held times of prayer together and with others.
-Worked on renovating the building, redecorating and installing a café servery as well as essential maintenance work.
-Explored partnership with York Community Church (YCC), who now run several community activities in the building. This includes the local Foodbank, debt counselling, groups for older people and parents and young children.
-Welcomed York Chinese Christian church who now worship at Cornerstone on Sundays.
-Held a community fun day to which we welcomed many local people of all ages.
The future
We are partnering with YCC to make plans for a community café which will provide a meeting place for local people and a base for further initiatives. We hope this will help draw the local community together and help them see the church as part of the community, as well as providing a resource for other groups working in the area.
For this first year, practical and building issues have been our priorities, but those involved at Cornerstone are also praying and thinking about how best to 'be church'. We want to discern a way of worshipping that will provide a welcoming place for those who use the building for community activities to be drawn in and to find out more about our faith.
This Christmas we plan to use the new café facilities to invite people in to sing carols and hear about the Christmas story. Join us on Friday 15th December at 7pm!
From January we will be worshiping together on the third Friday of each month from 7pm. All are very welcome to come along!
We would love to have more people involved, so if you are interested please do get in touch with Lois or Angie at the circuit office.
You can also visit our website or find us on Facebook.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF