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Your invitation to the 2019 Circuit Celebration

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You are invited to this year's Circuit Celebration!

Download the Invitation booklet for more details about the day.

This year we will be gathering at Acomb Methodist Church on Sunday 14th July to worship together and remind ourselves that we are stronger together. We will be looking back at the past year, looking ahead to the future, and celebrating with several people who are moving on from the Circuit or who have recently been ordained.

We will also be tying up our Bible Month studies in Colossians by thinking about what it means to be 'growing in the knowledge of God' (Colossians 1 v10) with our guest speaker, Revd. Dr. Jonathan Dean.

There will also be activities for children and young people and some all age activities to get us all thinking. Tea, coffee, cake and other light refreshments will be available during the day, so please bring a mug and a packed lunch.

Don't forget to let us know you're coming by booking via Eventbrite or contact the Circuit Office.
If you'd like to come by coach it is essential that you book a seat.

We look forward to welcoming you to Acomb on 14th July!

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01904 499661

York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF

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