Small group resources for Bible Month are here! Suitable for many types of group (home group, cell group etc) these sessions are designed for groups to pick up and go, providing all the information you need (Bible not included!).
You can download the group material from this page, both as an A5 booklet or A4 sheets, along with supplementary prayers for each week (these are included in the booklet format) and a printable sheet for the Week 2 icebreaker.
If you'd like printed copies please contact the circuit office.
The Bible Month magazine (available here) also contains some alternative ideas for small groups.
You can find some further information about the painting mentioned in Week 3 of the Bible Magazine groups resources here (please note the address given in the magazine is faulty).
There are also resources for group leaders- a helpsheet on group leading and an introduction to the book of James. More background information is available on the Methodist website.
01904 499661
York Methodist Circuit Hub
Melbourne Terrace Methodist Church
Cemetery Road
YO10 5AF